"How to Get One and Teach
Others How to Do it"


"How to Get One and Help 
Your Team Do The Same!"


Building your Network Marketing Business.

By Jim Rohn
Notes by Albie Derbyshire

Listen to the Video Above
And Follow Along With These Notes Below:


Have a better philosophy 
a) Have a winning philosophy: 
"Profits are better than wages." Wages will earn you a living,
but profits can earn you a fortune. 
Making wages is fine, and making profits is super fine.”
Set of the Sail 
Change your set of sail.

We all have "winds of opposition".
We all have good things happen and bad.
No one is excempt. 

When the "wind" (or life) is apposing you ("blowing at you and pushing
your "boat" or life in the wrong direction), then set your "sail" or your attitude
to move the "boat" or your life at diagnal to the wind. In this way, the
wind will empower you instead of blow you off-course. You won't be 
able to head directly where you want to go but you can still move 
"sideways" and get there. It will take longer but you will still be able to 
reach your destination or achieve your goal.

Better batting average 
Law of overages 
Talk to 10, get one… 
A ratio starts to appear...
Your ratio can get better and better the more you practice…
Just 3 out of 10 will "batting average" will make you rich.
Tell your prospect:
"Look, 7 out of 10 people that see what I’m doing join,
so it’s OK if you want to be one of the seven who don't join.
I just need you to be one of the ten."
  the Law of sowing and reaping. 
a) An ambitious sower 
b) Good seed
c) The birds are going to get some of the seed. 
Chase birds and you will leave the field. 
Birds got your seed? Just say: "Isn’t that interesting!"
Nothing more you can do about it. 

The sun burns the seed, The rain washes 
some of the seed away, bad things happen. 
Why do some seeds only last a while. 

Why do some prospects join and then quit?
Just keep it in mind and say to yourself:
“That’s one of those that don’t stay” 
“Discipline your disappointment”
Some people are just not gonna stay, and that’s just the way it is.
Not much you can usually do about that unless it falls within your ability to
influence the situation by bettering your skills.
But even the best cannot keep everyone.
The thorns are gonna get some. What are these thorns?
Little cares, little distractions, etc...
people who let little things cheat them out of big opportunities.
It’s just the way it is…
But the sower just keeps on sowing seed…
Finally, the sead falls on good ground. And it always does.
If you keep on sharing a good idea, eventually, it will fall in good ears.
And some will produce 30%, and others 40, 50, and some even 100%.
Why the difference? Don’t sign up for that class!
It’s just the way it is! 
With the ones who do 30% help them continue to do 30%.
It’ll kill you to try to make them do more.
And doing 30% is all they really want.
And just keep on sowing 
There aren’t enough “birds” to eat all the seeds. 

Skill that changed my life: Getting a sale
Talk about its merits, persuade someone it’s the best product,
they agree to buy - that’s the simple art of sales. 
Sharing, gathering testimonials . Use the product and share merits. 
Two skills that will help you become amazing at sales: 
High integrity 
High skills 
Mix those together and you will get amazing results. 
Getting good at sales can increase your income x five. 
The next thing that changed my life: the art of recruiting.
There are formal presentations and informal to help you recruit.
 Follow up with your new members (like a new mother) 
Nurish like a mother, protect it like a father. 
Being a sponsor is like being a bridge: from darkness to light,
skeptic to faith etc…out of discouragement to encouragement.
You assure them it’s possible to achieve.
You’ve got the answers 
Help them earn more than what they’ve got. 
It pays big money helping others.  

The secret to wealth: 
“Find a way to serve the many.
Service to many leads to greatness.”
For instance, help others figure out ways to pay their bills…
If you help people solve their problems, your problems will disappear.
If you affect a few you earn accordingly.
If you affect a lot, then you’ll also earn a lot." 


To get one new member a month
and teach your new member how to get one (and create
duplication like compound interest): 

1. Advertise every day
(sow your seed), but don't worry about the "birds" (or those
who don't join and wander off).

2. Find your "batting average"
or out of every 10 subscribers (or ten people you talk to or advertise to),
do you get 1 new member? Or is it 1 out of 20 or 1 out of 50 etc...?

Find your average and get better at your advertising skills 
so you can eventually get 3 out of every 10. 

3. Get better at sales (or to put it simply), enjoy using your
product or service and share your enthusiasm with others. Whether
you're advertising over the internet or facebook etc, you will still
come into contact with people and your enthusiasm will come out
(even if its only subconscience). Increase your skill level each
day and be a person of integrity and your sales skills will 

4. Take care of your new members like a baby. Nurture" them 
like a "mother" and protect them like a "father". Help solve 
their problems. 

Start Your "Batting Average" Off
by Advertising Every Day: 

By Jim Rohn
Notes by Albie Derbyshire

In the next training, we're going to jump into advertising!


Success is all based on learning

If you're SUCCEEDING, it's because ultimately
you're understanding the fundamentals (the 5 Critical Skills).


We look forward to working with you! 



Albie Derbyshire
Elizabeta Kuzevska
cell: 626-379-5692